Meet Our Speakers of 2024

Ahmad Muizuddin Talib

Project Excellence at PETRONAS

Dirk Wagemans

Senior VP Commercial and Global Google Business at Hexagon

Fred Clarke

Principal Consultant at Stepchange Global

István Szoke

Research Manager of the Applied Physical Sciences department at Institute for Energy Technology (IFE)

Faidsal Farid

Senior Manager at PETRONAS

Meaghan Snethlage

Director of Client Development at Veerum

Kamilah Jamil

Head Techo-Digital Practices at PETRONAS

Behzad Elahifar

Associate Professor at
Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU)

Syful Anwa Mustafa

Project Excellence at PETRONAS

Meet Our Speakers of 2023

OGAD2021 - Sept

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